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Jezmina Von Thiele is an educator, writer, artist, activist, and queer witch of mixed Romani/Sinti descent. She works her family trades of palmistry, tea leaf reading, card reading, and dancing. She is the co-host of Romanistan podcast and the founder and editor of Evil Eye Edit.


Glamour Magic: Potions and Rituals
In this workshop, students will learn about what glamour magic is, and how it can be used for sexuality and empowerment, as well as a way to control the image of ourselves we put into the world, maintaining our mystery while still revealing what we want to be seen. Glamour can be magic that we create for ourselves in order to celebrate and honor our inherent beauty and sensuality. Glamour can also be a tool for crafting the image we project into the world, and protect how much we divulge, and choose what we enhance. In order to know what kinds of glamours we want to use, we need to understand ourselves and our goals better. Part of the workshop will be exploring the mysteries of our own psyches and desires, and allowing our complexity to express itself through automatic writing and visioning. From there, we will touch on rituals for self-love, as glamour is born from a earnest and unconditional love of the self. We will also learn a few bath and beauty potions, as well as protections for our image, and deflections for envy and the evil eye. Glamour magic allows us to be fully ourselves, by discovering our own mysteries, projecting our desires, and still maintaining our privacy. This workshop is part lecture, part writing exercises, and part simple ritual.


