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I’m a Finnish and Palestinian folk herbalist, writer, and witch or Noita, in my language. I grew up in the endless boreal forests of Eastern Finland, about two hundred miles from the Arctic Circle, and a hundred miles from the Russian border. My work as a writer and folk herbalist is grounded in my people’s ancestral folk medicine and my culture’s surviving land-based practices.

Through my work, I hope to share plant medicine, ancestral herbalism, community resilience, reciprocity, land-based healing, animism, folk magic and other Old Ways for the wild and wooly times we live in.

I’m an immigrant to what we currently call the USA, and live on a small island on unceded Coast Salish Territory. In English I use she/her pronouns.


Familiar Magic – Uncovering “Lost” Lineages and Ancestors with Plants

Whether we know them, or not, our ancestors live within us, guiding us, helping us along, keeping us on the right path and true to ourselves. Many of us come from lineages lost to simple passage of time, but also to colonization, diaspora, severed connections. and sometimes hidden for safety, shame, or pain.

As we do the work of reconnecting plants can serve is important allies and guides. They too are a part of our lineages, their genetic code embedded into ours, their memories revitalizing our own. Working with plants for ancestral remembrance is a living practice, a continuum. Plants recognize us and in this class we will uncover ways for ourselves to recognize plants in our lineages.

There are other ways of seeing where we belong, and lineages aren't actually linear. In this class we will meander together through the mysterious gardens of our ancestors and hear the plants whisper our shared stories back to us.

Plant Journey

Writing w/ plants

Signs and visitations

Sarah BennettOCT 30TH