Sanyu Estelle is a Claircognizant ("clear knowing") Soothsayer ("truth teller") that is also known as "The Word Witch" because of her deep love for word origins (etymology) and word culture (philology).

These natural inclinations are bolstered by an 11+ year practice of Taoism that began with three years of training in Qi Gong and Tai Chi with Master Zi of Dharma Health Institute; as well as a 10+ year relationship with Ifa, the indigenous tradition of the Yoruba people of now-Nigeria, culminating in membership at Ile Orunmila Afedefeyo in Los Angeles led by Baba Fesegun and his daughter Iya Fayomi.

Sanyu identifies as a pigmented (82%), womoonist (as constant as the tides; word to Alice Walker), cissy (femme but hetero-ish), flexible asexual (it's a spectrum, seems unwise to call it), travel-apt (Earth is a country) and fashion forward (Funk Flag Flyage) SSJW (Sarcastic Social Justice Warrior).

She is known for her straightforward card reading style ("the reading you need, not necessarily the reading you want") and her way with words via both writing and speaking. Her card reading and channeling have been largely supported by her rich and detailed Dreamscape, which she has been documenting since she was 5 years old, as well as her tutelage from Diana Wolfsmoon and Dawn Grzena (both in their crone years and not currently internet-based).

Her thoughts and words have largely been supported by her parents (relationship, beliefs, TV programs, books, dinner conversations, families, example); her own reading and writing, guided by her mother; her relationship with music, guided by her father; her involvement in the Spoken Word/Slam Poetry scene from the ages of 13 to 21; her brief involvement in “The Intimacy Project,” which was led by a man named Stan Smith in South Pasadena during the mid-2010s; and her deepening relationship with her Ancestors.

A "1st generationish" (long colonial story) US-American of Ugandan (father) and Belizean (Mother) ancestry, Sanyu was born, bred and buttered in Los Angeles on land traditionally stewarded by the Tongva. Land stewards of her hometown rightfully acknowledged, Sanyu is herself Black Seminole, Lucayan, Moskito, Huron and Chiricahua through all her Great Great Grandparents on her mother's paternal side. Other than being directly Ugandan through her late father, may he remain in peaceful power in the realms of the Ancestors, Sanyu's African origins are also of Angolan, Cameroonian and Nigerian descent with trace DNA from literally all 4 "corners" of the Motherland.

That other “18%” can be attributed to her Celtic and Slavic ancestors, who slipped into her lineage both through Colonization (fucking up, Anglicanizing and rapin’ into my Indigenous lineage) as well as through love (fucking forward, being “disowned” for marrying into my African, Indigenous and “too dark” lineages). For these chapters in her heritage, Sanyu can recognize the Fairweathers, the Ushers, the Garbutts, the Purcells and the Swaseys. May they find their peace through her ever-deepening ownership of herself.

Sanyu is your forebears attainable unreality. Yet she is the intended of her Ancestors. Many dream up the future, but it belongs to their descendants. Thus, she is the best thing that came out of her Colonizer’s lineage. She uses their/her own ancestry to denounce their indoctrination into the invention of Whiteness through colonization. They are lucky to have her and they ensured not only that, but what she is.


Multidimensionality & Timespace: That's Not Your Past Life and There's No Single Soul Mate
Begin the deep dive into the largely uncharted territories of Quantum Physics' more "woowoo" cousin, Quantum Energetics. Essentially, the "Nature of Existence" in descriptive terms instead of mathematical terms. If you're wondering about "how it all comes together," then I'm here to help you get to some qualitative answers.

Why isn't that your "Past Life?" Because all time exists at once in an Infinite Multiverse. Why don't you have a single "Soul Mate?" Because there are infinite dimensions and probabilities that your higher self, spirit guides and oversoul all intended for your possible forays into within your lifetime--depending on your free will collaboration with everyone and everything else's.

Destiny is just your Free Will from a higher density level or a higher perspective. Need to know more? Well I've curated the most excellent slideshow displaying all these concepts for you to explore!


