ARIES SEASON ✨ Spring Equinox Magic + Two Powerful Aries New Moons

Enjoy these astrological and energetic downloads for Aries Season! When the Sun moves into Aries we initiate a new astrological year, and celebrate the Spring Equinox (in the northern hemisphere.) This season is a potent time for recalibration, balance, and integrating so very much emotional baggage. Learn more about ways to celebrate the equinox, and ritual activations for the lunations throughout Aries season.

The Modern Witches Confluence community is creating a sacred container for those witch-curious, witch-identifying, and magically minded to authentically connect and learn. Our community includes seekers, astrologers, healers, shape-shifters, mystics, artists, activists, and more. What makes our community so radiant is the diversity of spiritual paths that are practiced and honored here, each with respect and reverence.

Follow your Hosts on Instagram and Support their work:

Casey -Intuitive Witch, Artist & Author, Creatrix of ⁠⁠@wandererstarot ⁠ -

Mariana - Circassian Astrologer, Writer, and Creator - ⁠@astrosipsa ⁠ -

Karima - Astrologer, Tarot Reader, and Witch - ⁠@the.cosmic.vibe.sf⁠ - ⁠⁠


On Enchantment, Witchcraft + Chronic Illness ✨ Interview w/ Olivia Pepper


PISCES SEASON ✨ Dreamwork, Non-Duality, and Swimming with the Fishes