Enjoy these astrological and energetic downloads for CANCER Season and Summer Solstice!

A celebration of both life giving waters and the our Solar life source, Summer Solstice catapults us into visionary modes of existence. Be one with the Sun. Pour libations for clean, healing, and free waters. Tune into the mystic landscape of yourself, your community, and your calling. Find ways to share your brilliance, while you revel in the genius of everything around you. Fill your energetic cups with wildflowers, summer fruits, and blessed nectars. Treat your body to both rest and recalibration, as Summer simmers through your internal systems. Cast your net to catch dreams that illuminate grand expressions of creativity, wellbeing, and abundance. Shimmer into the Summer wilderness. May this Solstice find your heart filled with wonder, and embracing your personal magick.

Follow your Hosts on Instagram and Support their work:

Casey -Intuitive Witch, Artist & Author, Creatrix of ⁠⁠@wandererstarot ⁠ -

Mariana - Circassian Astrologer, Writer, and Creator - ⁠@astrosipsa ⁠ -

Karima - Astrologer, Tarot Reader, and Witch - ⁠@the.cosmic.vibe.sf⁠ - ⁠⁠

Astrological Transits - Cancer Season

June 21st: Sun enters Cancer

June 25th: Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces

June 26th: Mars in Leo square Uranus in Taurus

June 26th: Mercury enters Cancer

June 28th: Sun in Cancer trine Saturn Rx in Pisces

June 30th: Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces

June 30th: Mercury conjunct Sun in Cancer

July 1st: Neptune goes Retrograde in Pisces

July 2nd: Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus

July 3rd: Full Moon at 11 degrees of Capricorn

July 6th: Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus

July 9th: Mercury in Cancer trine neptune in Pisces

July 10th: Mars enters Virgo

July 10th: Mercury in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn

July 10th: Mercury enters Leo

July 17th: New Moon at 25 degrees of Cancer

July 17th: Nodes of the Moon entering Aries and Libra axis

July 20th: Mars in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces

July 21st: Sun in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn

July 22nd: Nodes of the Moon square Pluto in Capricorn and Sun in Cancer

July 22nd: Sun enters Leo


VIRGO SEASON + MERCURY RETROGRADE ✨ Reality check & Boundaries


GEMINI SEASON ✨ A Feeling Of Liberation