A Meditation on the Four of Pentacles + Scarcity Mindset


To say that Money is just an energetic resource that comes and goes as it pleases (or as we manifest it) is overly simplistic. In spiritual circles manifestation takes a lot of credit where privilege and resources gifted to us by privilege are the true source of the majority of the wealth in the world. My baseline understanding of abundance magic is rooted in an acknowledgement of my own privileges, and I encourage other magical practitioners to examine their privileges as well, in order to be in alignment with the true source of your abundance, and the abundance you wish to call in. No matter where your financial resources come from, I aim to discuss how If we can reorient our relationship with money, to one of gaining rather than one of losing, then we may be able to access more financial flow, abundance, and expansion in our individual lives, and within our communities. 

To ground us, we’re going to discuss a scarcity mindset in relation to the Four of Pentacles. A gloomy figure, the Four of Pentacles huddles over four precious pentacles, commanding all of their attention and awareness. The Four of Pentacles figure is holding so tightly to what they have that they are unable to get excited about where they are heading. 

In the tarot, pentacles typically represent resources, wealth, wellness, and abundance. So, when we see the Four of Pentacles, it tends to be associated with unconscious miserly behaviors, behaviors which are rooted in scarcity mindset. A miser is someone who withholds money, warmth, compassion, and care from others, and oftentimes from themselves as well. Again - this tends to be totally subconscious and the act of pulling the Four of Pentacles is the opportunity to figure out where you’re holding too tight. 

Within our work of late-stage capitalism, money is something that we cannot avoid. Money is the energetic exchange between your time and your services (job, products, etc). Money is the tool that unlocks access. It's also a tool used by the oppressors to keep the masses oppressed. Money in itself is not something to covet, (as much as the Four of Pentacles figure believes) rather money is a key to unlocking experiences. Money can be a powerful pathway for liberation if it is shared and redistributed wisely. (Here are a few articles to start your journey down the rabbit hole of late-stage capitalism research — here & here

When we are so focused on not letting go of something - particularly money - we tend to forget to expand our horizons, to grow, to weed out and make space for new opportunities. For example, if you feel fearful about investing in your personal growth through educational opportunities, you may be missing out on future income tied to those new skills. When there’s financial stagnation due to a scarcity mindset, we can begin to believe that an exchange of resources, (for example, investing in our communities, or treating ourselves to a healthy meal) is more about what we are loosing versus what we are gaining in exchange. 


One way Modern Witches incorporates financial flow and movement into our business is through our Coven Classifieds program. We are excited to be providing a space for witchy businesses to shine and share their work with our community, while creating a community generated resource for witches to support their fellow witches. 

If you’re confronting any Four of Pentacles energy in your own life, it may be time to consciously loosen the tightness you feel around your bank account. What you have in cash, you also have the ability to create, to rest, to share, to care for yourself. It’s not the dollar that counts so much as what you can manifest through the dollar. If resources are extremely tight, look for ways to share yourself with others, and open yourself up to love and compassion in return. Call a friend for a  check-in, forge for flowers to adorn your altar and hearth, host a meal exchange with friends and family, romance yourself! 

The Modern Witches community has generated free and low-cost options to attend the Witches Confluence (October 28th through 31st, online) for our BIPOC, Trans and Queer community members. Please check out our reparative pricing model and nourish yourself through magical community time!


Gratitude is an Abundance Practice


The Makings of Moon Water