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Ash Canty (they/he) is a Death Walker & Spirit Usher Psychic Medium. Their ancestors are Indigenous peoples of West Africa, Indigenous tribes of Mexico and white European colonizers. They support and walk others in the threshold and ritual of their own unique death and dying process. They are led by spirit, ancestors, and nature in all that they do. They also hold monthly "Death Out Loud" Zoom events where they unpack conversations around death and dying held in a sacred, trauma-informed and co-created container. Ash creates deep spaciousness for others to be able to step into a non-linear time space to hold conversations around being with the grief & praise of being alive. They provide virtual death care services to families and loved ones who are in the active stages of dying and are in need of: spiritual support, bedside visits, will planning,virtual ceremonies, spirit ushering, holding sacred family councils around death and living death day celebrations. They also work with those who are living and not actively dying to create their will in an intentional and somatically integrated way as well as offering spiritual support. They are regenerated by being with the earth and deepening relationship to the Kalapuya native peoples land on which they live on through gardening, listening, canning, hand crafting, and indigenous practices of their ancestors.


Being In The Mystery Of Death & Cultivating Relationship With The Otherside
Come curious as we come together in the way of council to be with the reality that we all will face someday, the reality of death. The death of those we love, the death of this earth, the death of ourselves and all the beings in our lives. How can we truly anchor into this knowing so that it may invigorate our souls to live a life that is in praise of being alive? How can we feel and integrate the grief of this human experience so that it becomes the feast and wisdom for the next generation to grow roots in? How do we tap into and remember our divine connection to our spirit and the spirits around us in our daily lives? I will be holding virtual space in a held container where we will have the opportunity to deeply listen, witness and hear each other as we marinate in these questions while in ritual. There will be intentional pausing for somatic integration as we move at the speed of trust and let spirit lead us to the emergence of what needs to come through.


