Christian Kolesar aka SunStar is a Queer Witch, Sun Priestx, and Shield Creatrix who uses Tarot as a guiding tool to connect with others in deep and meaningful Soul Work. Christian has been spinning magick consciously since 2007 through Sacred Circles (Goddess, Men, and Drum circles), Tarot, and Reiki. Recently, he received his Breathwork Facilitator Certificate in the Breathwork Metamorphosis tradition and received his Death Doula Certificate from University of Vermont in 2020. Currently, Christian is exploring the power of storytime on their Instagram (@sssunstarrr) page every Thursday evening. Come tend to your Inner Child in their Sacred Nook!


Shielding: Prepare for the Unfolding of Mystery
Mystery can feel like the Great Unknown. Leaning into this can be intimidating and exciting. Mystery, like change, is constant and part of life. Shielding invites you to embrace what mystery holds and builds a sturdy yet flexible foundation and surrounds you with magickal supports. Embracing mystery has the potential to enliven our lives and awakening us to the full possibility of living. Mystery lives in the betwixt and between places. Places that require grounding, preparation, and trust in ourselves to explore.

Layered Shielding is a technique that I have developed that integrates all the pieces one could need to embrace Mystery!

Shielding is a form of protection magick that invites you to harness the energies around you and within you to deepen your connection with Spirit and Self. The union of Spirit and Self draws us into Mystery through your Shield creation. In this workshop, you will learn my 5 Layered Shield Technique. Each layer offers a unique experience to engage with Mystery: Energy Source, Protection, Collaboration, Foundation, and Mystery. The 5 Layers of your Shield will prepare you for whatever Mystery invites into your life.

This workshop is a mixture of learning and guided experiential meditations. I will lead our group down the Spiral path to the Center of our Be-ing, the heart of Mystery, and back out again. As you create your Shield you will have a chance to call on your Guides and other allies to strengthen your presence as you prepare for the Unfolding of Mystery.

Join me as you discover your Shield and how it can deepen your love of Mystery!


