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xóchicoatl bello is an indigequeer ceremonalist, abolitionist, earth steward + healing pollinator. they come from el ombligo del luna aka méxico and the borderlands of Tongva territories, so called Los Angeles, Califas. their medicine walk on the red road is in service to Black, Brown, indigenous, and people of color sovereignty. believing that when we heal with the soil, heal the soils that sustain us, tend to the seeds, we heal our souls, we remember we have always been free.

they create spaces of remembrance, where youth and YOU may meet your sacred. meet your ancestors, and hear the truth that lives in their heart with the support of ceremony, plant medicine, and story. xóchicoatl maintains an herbal and healing practice through la mala yerba  that seeks to connect all people to socially-conscious plant and ancestor work.

weave with them on IG @lamalayerbalove or at lamalayerba.com


Sacred Smoke: Meeting the mystery within in relationship with practices for cleansing

Before we plant our seeds, we must first clear and nourish the soil. The practice of cleansing + smudging is the protection medicine we need to meet the sacred mystery within, before planting our sacred prayers and create delicious cosmic realities. Join xochicoatl bello aka la male yerba in a sacred circle of decolonizing our relationship to smudging as we connect with indigenous knowledge for cleansing and protection. During the gathering we will weave with the air element, allowing them to clear the obstacles + fears that keep us from clear + revolutionary visions to better meet the medicine we carry within. All magic makers who pull up will leave with crafted incense sticks and cones created by YOU.

*BIPOC ONLY: open to black, indigenous, asian, pacific islander, people of color, and POC mixed peoples

*Resource Package Available


