Flower Magic : Manifestation through Pleasure
Flowers are the flirts of the world. They are the Sirens. With very specific shapes, colors and scents they entice THE exactly right pollinators to them. Nectar and beauty are their "Come Hither" stare. "You KNOW you want to…" they say. The pleasures they offer are 100% necessary to their survival. PLEASURE is integral in their cycle of creation. Without the flowers to attract the right pollinators the plant won't survive.
We can learn so much from our plant allies. We can mimic their magic, follow the flowers' example, especially at this time of transition from the rest and darkness of Winter to Spring's increasing light and energy. Make beauty an active component to call in the exact thing we need to Manifest through Pleasure.
Here are a few ideas of how to weave the Magic of Flowers into your practices to plant the seeds we want to grow and harvest this Summer & Fall:
Right now in the Northern Hemisphere we are in various stages of warming, or not. In Northern California, on stolen Ohlone Ramaytush where I am, a few bright spots of California Poppies, Oxalis and Jasmine, are popping bright splashes of color through the green grass. If you are also blessed to have direct contact with some gorgeous blooms, grab a notebook + pen & simply take the time to sit with them. If your environment doesn't offer you flowers yet you can still tap into their gifts through Flower Essences or even a trip to the Florist.
Ground yourself. Try taking several deep breaths, a body scan, or a more detailed rooting practice.
Ask yourself: Why did I choose or notice this particular flower (or Flower Essence)? What caught my eye?
As you study the flowers, notice all the details. Color, shape, scent, but also location. Are they boldly pushing through cracks in the sidewalk with YOU CAN'T STOP ME bravado? Or are they peeking shyly under a leaf. Make as many notes about the things you notice as you can.
How are they creating beauty & pleasure?
If you are working with an essence, a couple of drops on your tongue or in a glass of water can often grant you instant flashes or messages about the energies of your chosen friend. Make notes of all that comes to you. You can even do a bit of research after you have gathered your initial impressions
What do these things that you noticed about this flower say to you?
IE Jasmine is tenacious as it searches for the Sun, each tendril climbs on the vine next to it both using what it finds and relying on community support.
Community Supported
Name an intention that you have from now til Summer Solstice?
How can the flower's energies that you noted support you to realize your intention?
Offer Thanks & Gratitude to your Flower or Essence.
I suggest leaving a gift or offering for the flowers that you interact with, maybe a drink of water or a strand of your hair.
With an essence you can keep it on your altar or in another sacred place to honor, respect and gratitude for the info they have shared.
I hope these ideas of how to interact and learn from our plant friends are helpful. I would love to know if you tried any of my suggestions & any outcomes or info that you received. As always this is just one way of being in the world with plants. If you have other ways or traditions please share if you feel called. We are all richer when we discover new ways of connection.
With Warmth,
Ann, Modern Witches Conjuring Counsel