Summer Solstice Energetics + Ritual Suggestions
Summer Solstice is upon us up here in the Northern Hemisphere. The days are long, the light is lasting, and we are reaching the peak of the Sun's potency. The Sun as symbol, planetary body, and tarot archetype represent NOURISHMENT, among other things. Without the Sun's warmth, our planet couldn't sustain life. Without the glow of the Sun, our bodies wouldn't know when to play and when to rest. The Sun reminds us that our fundamental charge as a human in a body is to care for ourselves. During this time of year, make sure that nourishment becomes your top priority.
Traditionally, Summer Solstice was a moment of honoring the peak of the Sun’s potency for nourishing the Earth, for producing abundance from the land. It was a moment to celebrate and offer gratitude to the Sun for their life-giving powers, and the time to ritually enact the death of the Sun, and the return to darkness which follows.
The Solstice energetically holds these extremes: ecstatic celebration of life and light, and the honoring of the necessity of death, decay, and darkness. This is a time of nuance, of both and, of catharsis and integration, of sharing and release.
Here are some suggestions for working collaboratively with the Solstice energetics:
Create a safe fire or circle of candles to honor and celebrate fire as an element, light as a gift. Make this fire representative of your internal fires of passion, sexuality, creativity, and joy.
Reflect back on the last 6 months since the Winter Solstice, and share your accomplishments with people you care about. Toast and celebrate each other's success!
Reflect on what you feel has been challenging, burdensome, or taxing during the last six months. Write it out on a piece of paper, and safely release your attachment to it through burning it in the fire.
Weave flower garlands and crowns to adorn your body and home.
Enter into a meditative state and watch the Sun set. Sing a prayer to the Sun for resilience, patience, vitality, nourishment - anything that the Sun can support you in presencing within yourself.
Harvest herbs and craft a special tea blend, infuse them into oil, or create a flower essence with them. Capture the potency of the Sun to connect with during your darkest moments.
Make offerings of honey, beer, wine, milk, or other special treats to the land which feels most sacred and magical to you. Thank the Earth for its abundance and sustenance.
Solstice times can find us busy! Humming, creating, connecting, exploring, doing so much with the ever present daylight and amplified vitality. Take note of all that you’re currently participating in, and make sure it feeds your soul. Take note of all the precious energy you’re exchanging with others, and make sure they’re giving to you as well as receiving. Within the heightened climax of the Solar force, it’s time to check in and acknowledge what could be in greater harmony in your life.